Internet Connectivity
Demand for Internet bandwidth at Carnegie Mellon continues to increase. Computing Services constantly monitors our external connections and profiles traffic to ensure reasonable connectivity. Our campus connectivity comes to us through a combination of providers including XO, Cogent and Keystone Initiative for Network Based Education and Research (KINBER).
- Internet
Demand is highest for commodity Internet traffic. Carnegie Mellon purchases up to 10Gbps of commodity Internet bandwidth from both Cogent and XO. -
Research and Education Networks
Through our connection to (KINBER), Carnegie Mellon has access to high-speed research and education (R&E) networks, including Internet2. These networks link Carnegie Mellon with other universities and research institutions in North America as well as overseas. Carnegie Mellon purchases 10Gbps of Internet bandwidth from (KINBER). -
Infrastructure Redundancy
Carnegie Mellon has diverse connections to each of its Internet providers. In the case of a power outage or other failure, these links serve as backups to each other.
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