Carnegie Mellon University

Offboarding Employees 

For legal and administrative reasons, timely separation procedures are essential. It is the supervisor's responsibility to ensure that all aspects of a separation are addressed. This resource page details critical tasks for various departmental and HR processes. Delays can negatively impact both the departing employee and the university.

Confidentiality Reminder: Your responsibility to maintain confidentiality of personal, confidential and sensitive separation information starts upon notification of the employee's departure and continues after the employee’s departure.

For sensitive situations, including all involuntary separations: Please contact your HR business partner prior to performing any offboarding-related tasks, including announcing the employee’s separation.

On this page:

Starting the Separation Process

  1. As soon as your employee has notified you of their separation, instruct them to use Workday to initiate their separation with the university. See the Submit Resignation System Guide [pdf] for instructions.
    1. You can opt to work with your HR generalist to initiate the separation in Workday. 
    2. This process should always begin with the employee notifying their supervisor directly through conversation of their resignation. The Workday process should not replace conversations.
  2. Once the separation has been initiated in Workday, the supervisor will have to approve the transaction. Once approved, the employee will receive notification and a Offboarding Checklist for Employees [pdf] with several tasks to complete.
  3. In addition to the Workday process, employees are required to put their notice of resignation in writing. Sample resignation templates [docx] are available.

Supervisor Checklist

After the Workday process has been initiated, the supervisor should refer to the Offboarding Checklist for Supervisors of Staff [pdf]. Key tasks include:

  • Sharing the link to the Offboarding Checklist for Staff [pdf] with separating employee
  • Encouraging the employee to participate in the exit survey and exit interview
  • Confirming the employee's PTO balance is accurate and ensuring the employee’s last day is not a PTO day
  • Confirming time entries for hourly employees
  • Considering any university property that must be returned

Employee Assistance 

The offboarding process can be a stressful time. Refer the separating employee to the university’s Employee Assistance Program in case they need additional support. The EAP can help with financial and legal information, emotional support and counseling, and other resources. The EAP is available to employees for thirty days following their separation date.

Your HR business partner and HR generalist can also support you and the employee through this process.