SLICE's REACH Training Program: Resources, Education & Campus How-Tos
The REACH program focuses on training and preparing CMU’s student organization leaders to manage their communities, understand applicable policies and procedures, grow as leaders, and execute their missions through events, competitions and more. This system of training sessions has been designed to capture the valuable lessons learned from asynchronous education and focus on in person interactions that advance learning and focus on application of materials. Sessions are developed by SLICE and other campus partners.
The REACH program will launch at the beginning of the Fall and Spring semesters, targeting organizations based on when elections are held for new leaders. New leaders seeking professional development and any students seeking to become Authorized Signers outside of an election cycle may opt to enroll in REACH courses, even if it is not their organization’s primary cycle.
Elements of REACH
Student Org Foundations (mandatory for Presidents)
This required course via TartanConnect will ensure that all student organization presidents are equipped with the information they need to be knowledgeable and prepared leaders. Organizational practices and applicable policy for managing a high-functioning and inclusive organization will be addressed in order to give all who would like access a single place to find core information.
Note: Presidents/Co-Presidents are required to take this course before/during their 1st semester of leading their organization.
If your organization holds elections in April or May, presidents/co-presidents are required to take this course the following August /Fall semester.
If your organization hold elections in November or December, presidents/co-presidents are required to take this course that December/January/following Spring semester.
Authorized Signer Training (mandatory for Authorized Signers)
Organization Management and Logistics
Drop-In Org & Event Support Hours: Starting your semester & unsure of the important deadlines? Needing help with your organization's transition to new leadership after elections? Onboarding new officers and unsure of what's next? Stop by every Monday from 4 p.m. - 6 p.m. in the 1st Floor SLICE Office!
If you are unavailable during these drop-in hours, please request a Meeting with a SLICE Staff Member to find the best times in your schedule.
Event Planning and Risk Management
Event Planning Toolkit: Take this short quiz & receive personalized results about the next steps in planning your event! Be prepared for your event by sending event planners through this personalized quiz that's dedicated to the event planning process and campus polices you will need as you plan and execute your event.
Drop-In Event Support Hours: Have 1-2 questions about your upcoming event? Need help finding vendors or figuring out logistics? Stop by the 1st Floor SLICE office in the Cohon University Center from 4 p.m. - 6 p.m. every Monday
Best Practices in Civic Engagement
Shop Manager Training
REACH Program Requirements
Any student leader hoping to be one of two Authorized Signers for their organization is required complete the Authorized Signer Training REACH course via TartanConnect, including successful 100% passing of all quizzes, either at the beginning or the fall or spring semester, depending on your organization’s election cycle. SLICE tracks fall and spring transitioning organizations via the box on the right. Both new and returning authorized signers have the same requirement for completion.