Extracurricular Resources
I want to get a workout in. Where are the gyms on campus?
Fitness centers (with cardio equipment and various levels of weight lifting equipment) are available in the CUC (main facility), Tepper Quad, and Mellon Institute. Get more information on the CUC facilities HERE and Mellon facilities HERE.
There is so many cool types of weight lifting equipment in the gym here. How do I learn how to use them?
The Athletics Department has compiled instructional videos for most of the equipment offered in the gyms on campus so you can learn to use them properly. Find the videos HERE. Additionally, they offer personal trainers on staff that you can set up an appointment with (for a fee) to get customized training on the equipment available (info HERE).
Can I join a sports team at CMU?
Sort of. Graduate students are normally not eligible to play varsity level sports, but there are club teams and intramurals to join! Clubs that compete against club teams at other universities can be found listed on the CMU Recreation website, HERE. Additional "club" teams that do not compete outside of CMU can be found on the Bridge, HERE. The CMU-wide Intramural Sports Schedule can be found HERE. GSA also hosts a grad-only intramural league, information HERE.
Are there grad-only sports options?
Yes. GSA hosts a grad-only intramural league. It mainly operates during the summer, but they help form grad student teams during the academic year to compete in the campus wide IM Leagues. See more information HERE.
Am I eligible to sign up for Physical Education courses offered on SIO?
Yes. Grad students are eligible to sign up for Physical Education classes, and many sign up each semester. Since you are getting a grade, it is a great way to keep youself accountable for getting a work out. Check out all the courses offered in SIO as "69XXX".
Can I reserve fitness facilties (like tennis courts)? How do I know when they are available?
Certain spaces can be reserved, but preference for scheduling will go to the Varsity teams that use that space for games/practices. Find many fitness facilities on 25Live (HERE). This includes Arena Room, Fencing Room, Gesling Stadium, Soccer/Intramural Field, Martial Arts Room and Skibo Main Gym. Individuals are not able to reserve these spaces, but reservations can be made for club/intramural sports and student organizations withiin certain requirements. Courts (tennis, racketball, squash, etc) can be reserved HERE. They are allowed to be reserved by individuals outside of team hours, but be sure to show up on time or your reservation is forfeitted.
I am interested in political issues, are there organizations that work in this space?
Organizations with political affiliations can be found on The Bridge (HERE). GSA's External Affairs Committee also does political advocacy for a wide range of issues relevant to graduate students. Contact the GSA VP of External Affairs for more information (email HERE).
I am interested in being a better advocate for political issues, are there any resources to help me learn how?
GSA has developed an Advocacy Toolkit that can be accessed by anyone interested in political advocacy (find it HERE). Depending on the issue you wish to advocate for, you can also align with GSA's External Affairs Committee for additional support.
How do I find out about student led clubs at CMU?
Student government recognized organizations (that recieve money from the Student Activities Fee) are listed on The Bridge (HERE). More specialized organizations that are not funded through student government may exist at the department or college level.
There is not a club I am interested in joining, how do I start one?
If you want to start a new student-led organization at CMU, you are more than welcome to. Guidance on how to get the organization recognized by student government (and getting some funding and benefits through it) can be found HERE. For graduate student based organizations, you can apply for funding grants through the GSA Special Allocations Funding. Contact the GSA-VP Finance for more information (Email HERE).
I am looking for social events where I can meet people from other departments. Do those exist?
GSA is the largest social event hosting organization for graduate students on campus. Subscribe to the GSA event calendar (HERE) and be sure to check your email for information about events and ticket sales. Events are hosted by the GSA Exec on a campus level, but there are also department level representatives who host smaller events at the department/college level, keep an eye on your email for information. If you have an idea for an interdepartment event, you can contact your GSA Rep (find who it is HERE) and tell them your idea. Additionally, events hosted by graduate student organizations can help you find graduate students with similar interests and/or backgrounds in other departments. Do a search on The Bridge (HERE) for organizations you may be interested in.
Is there a cultural organization on campus to help me connect to people from my background?
There are a wide range of cultural organizations at CMU. You should check The Bridge (HERE) to see the ones that are recognized by student government and recieve funding support through the student activities fee. You can also stop by the Center for Student Diversity and Inclusion on the Lower Level of the Cohon University Center to connect with others who have multicultural interests. The Center's website is HERE.
My organization wants to host a social event involving alcohol, where can I find the rules about doing so?
Find the rules HERE. All events with alcohol must be registered ahead of time. Depending on the event size, demographics, and location you will need a social host and possibly a security guard. Make sure to allocate time to enlist a social host and potentially money if you need to hire a security guard!
I am having trouble fitting everything in my schedule, can anything help me learn to manage my time better?
The Academic Development Office offers Academic Coaching to grad students where they teach time management and study skills in workshops or one-on-one sessions. Get more info HERE.
Does CMU have religious/spiritual advisors or organizations?
The website for "Spirituality & Interfaith Initiatives" is a good place to start (link HERE). There you can find a listing of student organizations and intitiatives in relation to religions and spirituality at CMU. Also you can find information about quiet spaces (prayer rooms, meditiation spaces, etc) on the website.
I would like to pray/meditate for religious reasons. Is there anywhere on campus that can accomodate this?
Inside the Cohon University Center, there is the Wright-Rogal Chapel on the first floor and the Prayer Room on the lower level.
I identify as LGBTQ+ is there anything that can help me connect/ find suppport at CMU?
There is a thriving Allies community at CMU. There are student organizations at both the undergraduate and graduate level for the community and their allies that can be found on The Bridge (HERE). The Center for Student Diversity and Inclusion is also a great resource to support students (website HERE).