Carnegie Mellon University

Strategies in Information Markets

Course Number: 45970

Description: This course studies the role of information in markets, with a focus on e-commerce and technology industries. We will explore how information enhances the scope for trade, including how firms collect and aggregate information about consumers' preferences to price discriminate and tailor product recommendations, how designing rating systems that facilitate communication between consumers can overcome moral hazard and improve trade, and how information affects firms' abilities to compete and collude with each other. We will also discuss the unique features of information goods -- for example, online content, music or data about consumer behavior -- including how to produce, price and sell information. Material will be a combination of economic concepts and case studies of specific firms or industries, including Amazon, Yelp, Airbnb and Dropbox. The goal is to identify distinct features of technology and e-commerce industries and provide a solid economic understanding of the key forces underlying these markets.

Degree: MBA
Concentrations: Economics, Strategy
Academic Year: 2023-2024
Semester(s): Mini 3
Required/Elective: Elective
Units: 6


Lecture: 100min/wk and Recitation: 50min/wk