Our MBA LGBTQ Community
We strive to create a supportive and affirming culture that enhances the social, academic, and career experience for individuals who identify across sexuality and gender spectrums.
The Tepper School and Carnegie Mellon believe that our campus is a place for all people and all intersections of identities. Students who identify as lesbian, gay, bisexual, transgender, and/or along the sexuality and gender spectrums provide a valuable point of view that contributes to creating a business world that values differences in the workplace.
Through our inclusive and affirming culture, students are encouraged to take leadership roles and actively shape the future of business not only for LGBTQ members but also for allies and partners who can be advocates.
Student Club and Leadership Opportunity: Out&Allied
Out&Allied provides a supportive environment to:
- Enhance the social, academic, and career experiences of current and prospective LGBTQ students, allies, and partners at the Tepper School
- Establish relationships and foster dialogue with employers and alumni who value a diverse workplace
- Equip future business leaders to be advocates in the workplace
- Link the social and professional network of Out&Allied to similar groups from other business schools and the greater community
MBA Partnerships and Organizations
Reaching Out LGBTQ MBA & Business Graduate Conference
Reaching Out (ROMBA) is the annual conference of lesbian, gay, bisexual, transgender, and queer graduate business school students — the largest gathering of LGBTQ business students in the world.
Reaching Out MBA Fellows
Each year, two incoming students are awarded the ROMBA Fellowship. Fellows serve as ambassadors to the LBGTQ community by taking an active role on campus and at the conference, and working with admissions to identify future fellowship candidates.