Paid and Unpaid Internships for Minors
Paid Internships
Before employing anyone under the age 18 ("minor"), contact your HR business partner to ensure you are in compliance with child labor laws. Visit the Hiring Minors page for more information.
Paid internships taking place via remote or online platforms should register with the Office of Human Resources, for tracking purposes and to ensure compliance with Child Protection Clearance requirements. Although it is not required for paid internships taking place in person to register, a roster of individuals who will have direct contact with the minor should still be submitted for evaluation of Child Protection Clearance requirements. In general, the supervisor of a minor employee, as well as any other employee who routinely interacts with a minor employee, must obtain Child Protection Clearances.
Unpaid Internships
Unpaid Internships with minors, whether taking place virtually or in person, are required to register with the Office of Human Resources. Internships will be evaluated for compliance with the Policy on the Protection of Children in Carnegie Mellon University Programs, Activities and Facilities, including Child Protection Clearance requirements.