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Dietrich College of Humanities and Social Sciences
Dietrich College of Humanities and Social Sciences
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Friday, May 29, 2015
Tool Helps States Meet New Emission Standards
CMU researchers have developed an easy-to-use but technically detailed interactive tool to help states decide how to meet the Environmental Protection Agency's (EPA) new carbon dioxide emission standards.In June 2014, the EPA proposed a Clean Power Plan under Section 111(d) of the Clean Air Act for the state-level regulation of carbon dioxide (CO2) emitted from existing electric generating plants. The proposal, which will be finalized this summer, sets state-specific goals for CO2 emissions but provides each state with flexibility to choose how to meet its goal.
Tuesday, May 26, 2015
New $20M National Center for Forensic Science Launched
The National Institute of Standards and Technology has awarded a five-year, up to $20 million grant to establish a Forensic Science Center of Excellence. Based at Iowa State University, it will include researchers from Carnegie Mellon University; the University of California, Irvine; and the University of Virginia. The center's primary goal will be to build a statistically sound and scientifically solid foundation under two branches of forensics: pattern evidence (including fingerprints and bullet marks) and digital evidence (including data from cell phones and computers).
Tuesday, May 26, 2015
Students Inducted Into Phi Beta Kappa
Twenty-three Dietrich College of Humanities and Social Sciences students were inducted into the Phi Beta Kappa Society during commencement weekend. Although membership is restricted to students at the 283 American colleges and universities with a Phi Beta Kappa chapter, there are currently more than half a million members worldwide.
Congratulations, Class of 2015!
Friday, May 22, 2015
Congratulations, Class of 2015!
Dietrich College alumni are impacting education policy and teaching in many different ways - thanks to their own Carnegie Mellon training and experience.
“Mr. Everything” Dick Tucker Retires
Friday, May 22, 2015
“Mr. Everything” Dick Tucker Retires
Since arriving at Carnegie Mellon in 1992, Richard (Dick) Tucker has served as head of the Department of Modern Languages, interim dean of Student Affairs, associate vice provost for education for Carnegie Mellon Qatar, interim dean of Carnegie Mellon Qatar and Title IX Coordinator. This spring, following a glittering career that has taken the beloved and respected Tucker to numerous countries around the world, he will retire and begin the next phase of his colorful life journey.
CMU Community Reflects On Dick Tucker’s Legacy
Friday, May 22, 2015
CMU Community Reflects On Dick Tucker’s Legacy
Tucker, the Paul Mellon University Professor of Applied Linguistics, has been an outstanding educator, winning both the Dietrich College of Humanities and Social Sciences and CMU's top teaching awards. The university recently gathered to celebrate Tucker.
New Grad Wins Inaugural G. Richard Tucker Award
Friday, May 22, 2015
New Grad Wins Inaugural G. Richard Tucker Award
To honor his dedicated service to Carnegie Mellon University, the Department of Modern Languages has established the G. Richard Tucker Award for Scholarship and Leadership. The award will be given annually at the department's diploma ceremony.Natalie Giannangeli (DC'15), a global studies and Hispanic Studies major, is the first recipient.
Two Recent Grads Receive Fulbright Awards
Thursday, May 21, 2015
Two Recent Grads Receive Fulbright Awards
Alexandria Hernandez and Erin Kiekhaefer will be making a global impact through this year's Fulbright U.S. Student Program.The U.S. Department of State, Bureau of Educational and Cultural Affairs, sponsors the Fulbright U.S. Student Program to "increase mutual understanding between the people of the United States and the people of other countries."
Decisions That Matter
Wednesday, May 20, 2015
Decisions That Matter
There is no question that sexual assault is a huge problem in American society and on college campuses. While there have been some recent ideas to try and prevent assaults from happening, none have seemed to work. That may just change with "Decisions That Matter" - a new interactive graphic novel created by students in a unique class offered by the Dietrich College and the Entertainment Technology Center.
Suicide Trends in School-Aged Children Reveal Racial Disparity
Tuesday, May 19, 2015
Suicide Trends in School-Aged Children Reveal Racial Disparity
While suicide rates in children younger than 12 have remained steady for the past 20 years, a new study published in JAMA Pediatrics is the first to observe higher suicide rates among black children.
Working for Change
Tuesday, May 19, 2015
Working for Change
With a shared passion for making a difference, Dietrich College alumni are making their mark in the NGO, non-profit and community-organizing arena. Their years at Carnegie Mellon helped pave the way."CMU was my microcosm," said Kamilah Woods (DC'02), a project manager and business advisory consultant to federal government clients and public sector entities.
Nature + Nurture
Tuesday, May 19, 2015
Nature + Nurture
If you see a snake or spider, chances are it will scare you. Is your fear inherent or learned? David Rakison believes it is both and that nature and nurture work together to help you develop fear for potentially threatening recurrent evolutionary threats. Rakison, associate professor of psychology, studies how infants learn about the world around them.
Aspiring and Ambitious
Tuesday, May 19, 2015
Aspiring and Ambitious
Anna Vande Velde is one driven young lady. Hailing from Cassadaga, N.Y., a farm-town of only 600 people, she came to Carnegie Mellon University for its highly-rated psychology program in order to work in the field of child development. This is an aim she's had in one manner or another since a young age.Aspiring to become a clinical psychologist and work with children who have been diagnosed with Autism Spectrum Disorder, Vande Velde continually strived in her education as a psychology major to reach this objective.
Statistics and Physics Major Receives 2015 Judith A. Resnik Award
Tuesday, May 19, 2015
Statistics and Physics Major Receives 2015 Judith A. Resnik Award
Kathryn McKeough, a 2015 graduate with a B.S. in physics with an additional major in statistics, received the Judith A. Resnik Award during commencement weekend. The award, which honors Carnegie Mellon alumna and space shuttle Challenger astronaut Dr. Judith A. Resnik, is presented annually to an outstanding woman graduating in the sciences or engineering who plans to attend graduate school and whose academic performance, creativity and vision illustrate potential for high academic achievement in her field.
English Graduate Lands Job at Top Technology Company
Tuesday, May 19, 2015
English Graduate Lands Job at Top Technology Company
Before Soniya Shah even had the chance to graduate, she was offered a technical writing position at technology giant, Hewlett-Packard's HP Vertica.Shah, who majored in technical writing and communication (TWC) in the Department of English, will start as an information developer, or technical writer, in August.
Digital Dreams: Circulo Juvenil Brings Digital Learning To Hispanic Children
Friday, May 15, 2015
Digital Dreams: Circulo Juvenil Brings Digital Learning To Hispanic Children
Local Hispanic children spent the past semester interacting with digital technology, thanks to a special program in the Department of Modern Languages. El Circulo Juvenil de Cultura, a Hispanic Studies outreach program, hosted "Sueños Digitales," or "Digital Dreams" for 20 Spanish-speaking children. Every semester since 2007, Circulo Juvenil has held similar workshops - all designed to use arts and technology to keep Latino children speaking Spanish, familiarize them with their native culture and create a sense of community among them and their families.
Meeting of the Minds Turns 20
Wednesday, May 13, 2015
Meeting of the Minds Turns 20
This year's May 6 finale marked the 20th anniversary of Meeting of the Minds, which has mushroomed from its initial 157 presenters in 1995 to more than 450 participants.
Researchers Find Self-Promotion Often Backfires
Tuesday, May 12, 2015
Researchers Find Self-Promotion Often Backfires
Bragging to coworkers about a recent promotion, or posting a photo of your brand new car on Facebook, may seem like harmless ways to share good news. Published in Psychological Science CMU researchers found that self-promoters overestimate how much their self-promotion elicits positive emotions and underestimate how much it elicits negative emotions.
Alumni Impacting Education
Tuesday, May 12, 2015
Alumni Impacting Education
Dietrich College alumni are impacting education policy and teaching in many different ways - thanks to their own Carnegie Mellon training and experience. "I get to do wonderful things because I went to Carnegie Mellon," said Beverley Wheeler (DC'76, HNZ'78), who has served, among other positions, as president and CEO of Center City Public Charter Schools, executive director of the DC State Board of Education and is now an adjunct faculty member in the Heinz College Washington DC program.
Phi Alpha Theta Inducts Nine History Students
Monday, May 11, 2015
Phi Alpha Theta Inducts Nine History Students
Nine students with majors or minors in the Department of History have been inducted into Phi Alpha Theta, the national history honor society. They were selected for demonstrating exceptional academic achievements.
Researchers Find More Sex Doesn't Lead To Increased Happiness
Friday, May 08, 2015
Researchers Find More Sex Doesn't Lead To Increased Happiness
Countless research and self-help books claim that having more sex will lead to increased happiness, based on the common finding that those having more sex are also happier. In the first study to examine the causal connection between sexual frequency and happiness, Carnegie Mellon University researchers found that simply having more sex did not make couples happier, in part because the increased frequency led to a decline in wanting for and enjoyment of sex.
16 Students Inducted into International English Honor Society
Thursday, May 07, 2015
16 Students Inducted into International English Honor Society
Carnegie Mellon's Chapter of Sigma Tau Delta, Omega Tau, welcomed 16 new members into the International English Honor Society at its induction ceremony on April 28 in the Steinberg Auditorium. Read more.
Rebecca Nugent Wins Ryan Award For Meritorious Teaching
Wednesday, May 06, 2015
Rebecca Nugent Wins Ryan Award For Meritorious Teaching
You always remember the teachers or advisers who helped shape who you are today.Rebecca Nugent, associate teaching professor of statistics, is the 2015 recipient of the William H. and Frances S. Ryan Award for Meritorious Teaching. The Ryan Award is given to a professor who has demonstrated unusual devotion and effectiveness in teaching.
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