The Balance of AI, Ethics and the Military
CMU expert discusses university's role in shaping nationwide discussion
This week, the Defense Innovation Board (DIB) holds a series of meetings and a public listening session at Carnegie Mellon University as the DIB explores the future of ethics and artificial intelligence. It is the second in a series of three events the DIB is hosting across the country as it looks to develop and propose principles to guide ethical and responsible use of AI by the Department of Defense (DoD), including research, development and applications.
Specifically, the DIB is looking to make recommendations to the DoD that are consistent with an ethics-first approach and uphold existing legal norms around warfare and human rights, while continuing to carry out the Department's enduring mission to keep the peace.
David Danks, department head & L.L. Thurstone Professor of Philosophy and Psychology in the Dietrich College of Humanities and Social Sciences, studies ethics and AI. As co-host for this week's event at Carnegie Mellon, he is one of the experts the DIB is looking to for guidance and feedback.